Tenant Rental Service Options

Description of Rental Services

Option 1

MLS Only

($500 Value)


Option 2

Includes Non-MLS Protection

($1200 Value) $800

Option 3

Executive Services

($3700 Value) $2800

Rental phone consultation by licensed realtor1 - Area familiarization and refinement of rental needs considering market realities




Create custom search of properties listed for rent on the Multiple Listing Service (MLS)




Rental Application Package




Provide a list of current websites providing updated rental listings not listed on MLS




Properties listed through MLS contact Dave Osbaldeston via email for showings




Properties on MLS will include a foreclosure check, contract negotiations, and walk-through move in inspection




Tenant will make their own arrangements for properties not listed on MLS (Included in the One Day Tour)




Run background check on non-MLS listed properties to confirm tenant is working with the true owner and the home is not in foreclosure




Review and edit rental agreement to protect tenants’ rights and security deposit




Provide walk-through move in inspection with client to help protect their deposit and provide eyewitness testimony if landlord and tenant are in dispute over security deposit




Rental Application Package consulting for Bad Credit, Multi-Family Rentals, or Pets




One Day Area3 Tour or Two half day Tours (4)- Identify potential properties and make appointments for a one day intensive area2 familiarization and orientation Tour. Show properties that meet tenant’s criteria (one day 3 to 4-hour tour, 4 to 6 properties (MLS and non-MLS Included)




Accompany tenant on non-MLS appointments - $50 per trip plus $50 per house (e.g. 3 houses one trip = $200)




Rental Appointment Scheduling - Identify properties and make appointments for Tenant to visit properties on their own for Non-MLS and accompany for MLS over a week-long period - $500(4)




Rental Appointment Scheduling - Identify properties and make appointments for Tenant to visit properties on their own or with Realtor for Non-MLS and accompany for MLS over the 30 day period4 - $2,000




Non-MLS realtor visitation package 8 visits with or without tenant for a flat discounted fee over the 30-day period - one day area tour or two have day tours are not included in the 8-property limitation - $500




Additional realtor visits on non-MLS properties above 8 will be charged $50 / property




Full Service Rental Assistance weekly fee after the first 30 days2 - $250 / week




  • Rental assistance for credit scores below 700 - $200
  • 1 or 2 pets - $200 - more than 2 pets - $TBD
  • Multifamily Rental Services - $100 per roommate





0 Non-MLS Scams are very prevalent be aware of homes in foreclosure bank owned offered for rent, identity theft, up-front cash deposits.
1 All services are provided by a licensed Realtor.
2 30 Days of rental assistance starting after the first paid service is performed.
3 Area tours are set up for one area (South bay or Mid-Peninsula).